
8:45 am Welcoming remarks

Mounir Boukadoum – co-dir. ReSMiQ, UQAM
Sharmistha Bhadra – McGill university

8:55 am Invited speakers

IM/DD and Coherent Optical Fiber Transmission Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
David Plant, McGill University, STARacom

Blockchain for Internet of Things: Opportunities and Challenges
Zeljko Zilic, McGill University

10:15 am Coffee break

12th Microsystems experimental demonstrations competition
List of projects

10:25 am My project in 120·106 μs
Each candidate will introduce their project via a short oral presentation

10:50 am My project in action
The students candidate willl demonstrate their scientific expertise via a technical demonstration

12:30 Noon Lunch Break

1:00 pm Scientific posters competition
Candidate students will present their research work via a scientific poster presentation
List of posters

2:30 pm Coffee break

2:40 pm Invited speakers

Cells, paper and electrodes: building smart paper chips for bioanalysis
Raphaël Trouillon, Polytechnique Montréal

How to fund your innovation projects with Prompt
Antoine Auger, directeur principal – Développement des affaires, Prompt

4:00 pm award ceremony & closing remarks

Welcome to École de technologie supérieure for RID2024 and the 13th Experimental Demonstration Competition.
Hosted by